It would appear so according to some statistics released in the past month, however measures of sentiment vary.
While the past month cannot be seen as a crisis for the UK’s Brexit plans, it has at times been close to one. Despite all the uncertainty about whether the UK is going to crash out with no deal or not, the economy has continued to be coping well and carrying on in an upward trajectory.
Business confidence according to Lloyds Bank is at its highest level since the referendum with 25% of SME businesses feeling confident about sales orders and profits. This marked a rise of 2% on the 23% recorded in January 2018.
When it comes to investment, however, the results are not so clear with some data showing that the number of firms not planning to invest in the next 6 months rising by 10% this quarter.
While many business owners and politicians will be thinking more about their holidays than business this month, it could be the calm before the storm when we are set to see negotiations begin again in the autumn.
Those leading the Brexit negotiations will continue to walk a precarious tight rope to protect the interests of business and its people.